The End Game - 匿名のIntel Update 7-1-18 終局



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The End Game – 匿名のIntel Update 7-1-18 終局



2018/7/3 更新 (huku)




“The End Game” – Anonymous Intel Update 7-1-18




7/01/2018 09:26:00 PM  EmailedIntelUpdate  


Received via email anonymously. ~ Dinar Chronicles

Update: This intel was from 2017. Although, could very well be relevant at the moment. ~ Dinar Chronicles


Do not know where this originated from but sure hope it’s true. 

All other intel is blocked.


The End Game

The following events are now scheduled to bring about the long awaited changes for planet Earth.

1. June 30, 2018: A ‘soft’ version of NESARA was postponed by Republic President Trump.

2. July 2-3, 2018: The final removal of dark beings and cabal in the deep state. Currently 95% complete.

3. July 4, 2018: NESARA news is scheduled to be broadcast over the Emergency Broadcast System.

4. July 5, 2018: The GCR/RV and 800#’s will commence worldwide.

5. July 6, 2018: 

NESARA/GESARA is accepted worldwide and new elections will be announced replacing the removed dark ones with the introduction of common law in governments and courts everywhere.

. End of wars.

. End of illegal taxes.

. End of illegal bank debt.

. Provide asset backed financial system worldwide.

. End of illegal corporate laws since Civil War (US).

. Return to Constitutional Law in Government and courts.

. End all negative government agencies: IRS, CIA, FBI, NSA, etc. and all deep state/black ops organizations.

. Release of prisoners where there is no victim. (government cannot be a victim)

. Release and provide healing of all victims of pedophile and sexual abuse.

. Replacing all oil, coal and gas power plants and factories/homes with free energy devices.

. Replacing all vehicles with free energy devices.

. Creating all new vehicles with free energy devices.

. Ending the use of harmful drugs, GMOs, pesticides, herbicides, chem-trails, fracking, sonar.

. Greatly reduce oil drilling onshore, ending all offshore drilling.

. Replacing the allopathic health system with holistic healing methods.

. Provide housing and holistic healthcare for homeless.

. Return all refugees to their native lands with prosperity funds.

. Accept the sovereignty of all countries




Received via anonymously. ~ Dinar Chronicles

Update: This intel was from 2017. Although, could very well be relevant at the moment. ~ Dinar Chronicles


匿名で電子メールで受信しました。〜ディナール・クロニクルズ・アップデート:このインテルは2017年からのものですが、現時点では非常に関連性があります。 〜ディナールクロニクル







2018/7/2 午後 更新 (huku)


Pat-7.2.18の “Re:The End Game”


パットで提出された「The End Game」 – 匿名インテルのアップデート7-1-18「The End Game」タイムラインのこの記事は2017年からのものです。








2018/7/2 午前 更新 (huku)






The End Game





「The End Game」 – 匿名のIntel Update 7-1-18

7/01/2018 09:26:00 PM  EmailedIntelUpdate  

Received via email anonymously. ~ Dinar Chronicles


Do not know where this originated from but sure hope it’s true. 

All other intel is blocked.


The End Game

The following events are now scheduled to bring about the long awaited changes for planet Earth.

1. June 30, 2018: A ‘soft’ version of NESARA was postponed by Republic President Trump.

2. July 2-3, 2018: The final removal of dark beings and cabal in the deep state. Currently 95% complete.

3. July 4, 2018: NESARA news is scheduled to be broadcast over the Emergency Broadcast System.

4. July 5, 2018: The GCR/RV and 800#’s will commence worldwide.

5. July 6, 2018: 

NESARA/GESARA is accepted worldwide and new elections will be announced replacing the removed dark ones with the introduction of common law in governments and courts everywhere.


. End of wars.

. End of illegal taxes.

. End of illegal bank debt.

. Provide asset backed financial system worldwide.

. End of illegal corporate laws since Civil War (US).

. Return to Constitutional Law in Government and courts.

. End all negative government agencies:

IRS, CIA, FBI, NSA, etc. and all deep state/black ops organizations.

. Release of prisoners where there is no victim.

(government cannot be a victim)

. Release and provide healing of all victims of pedophile and sexual abuse.

. Replacing all oil, coal and gas power plants and factories/homes with free energy devices.

. Replacing all vehicles with free energy devices.

. Creating all new vehicles with free energy devices.

. Ending the use of harmful drugs, GMOs, pesticides, herbicides, chem-trails, fracking, sonar.

. Greatly reduce oil drilling onshore, ending all offshore drilling.

. Replacing the allopathic health system with holistic healing methods.

. Provide housing and holistic healthcare for homeless.

. Return all refugees to their native lands with prosperity funds.

. Accept the sovereignty of all countries




The End Game





1. 2018年6月30日:NESARAの「ソフト」版がトランプ共和国大統領によって延期されました。

2. 7月2〜3日、2018年:深遠な状態での暗黒の存在とカバールの最終的な除去。現在95%完了しています。

3. 2018年7月4日:NESARAのニュースが緊急放送システムを介して放送される予定です。

4. 2018年7月5日:GCR / RVと800#が世界中で開始されます。

5. 2018年7月6日:

NESARA / GESARAは世界中で受け入れられ、新しい選挙が発表され、取り除かれた暗いものを政府と裁判所のコモンローの導入によって置き換えられます。

  • 戦争の終わり。
  • 違法な税金の終わり。
  • 違法銀行借金の終わり。
  • 世界中の資産担保金融システムを提供する。
  • 内戦後の違法法の廃止(米国)。
  • 政府と裁判所の憲法に戻る 。
  • IRS、CIA、FBI、NSAなどのすべての否定的な政府機関とすべての深刻な州/犯罪組織を終わらせる。
  • 犠牲者がいない囚人の解放。(政府は犠牲者にならない)。
  • 小児性愛および性的虐待のすべての犠牲者を解放し、治癒させる。
  • すべての石油、石炭、ガス発電所および工場/家庭をフリーエネルギー装置に置き換える。
  • すべての車両をフリーエネルギー装置に交換する。
  • フリーエネルギー装置を備えたすべての新しい車両の作成。。
  • 有害な薬物、GMOs、農薬、除草剤、ケミカル・トレイル、腐敗、ソナーの使用を終了する。
  • 海上掘削を大幅に削減し、すべての海底掘削を終了します。
  • アロパシーの健康システムをホリスティックな治癒方法に置き換える。
  • ホームレスのための住宅と総合的な医療を提供する。
  • すべての難民を繁栄基金で本土に帰還させる。
  • すべての国の主権を受け入れる。


