ジェームズ・クラッパーの尋問ビデオ|| シエラ(NZ)彼が明かす情報は爆発的です クラッパーはボルチモアの「ダーティトリックスクワッド」について話します。 チームはロッド・ローゼンスタインが率いるチームで、副社長のマイク・ペンス、ポール・ライアン、ミット・ロムニー、ジャスティス・ロバーツが含まれていました。
ジェームズ・クラッパーの尋問ビデオ|| シエラ(NZ)
ジェームズ・クラッパーの尋問ビデオ|| シエラ(NZ)2021年2月10日水曜日
運用開示| シエラ(NZ)寄稿者 2021年2月10日
James Clapper Interrogation – 2
DaveWaterburyJanuary 30, 2021 公開
彼が明かす情報は爆発的です クラッパーはボルチモアの「ダーティトリックスクワッド」について話します。 チームはロッド・ローゼンスタインが率いるチームで、副社長のマイク・ペンス、ポール・ライアン、ミット・ロムニー、ジャスティス・ロバーツが含まれていました。
クラッパーは、シークレットサービスを含むワシントンDCの「アルファベット」機関全体で蔓延している小児性愛と恐喝の腐敗について説明しています。 エプスタインはDirtyTricks Squad活動の主要なプレーヤーであり、se * xのために子供たちを調達しました。
オーディオを聞くことは冷静な経験です。 それは、[D] eep [S] tateを倒す際に同盟が直面する巨大な課題を確認します。 Qは、沼が排水された後、議会の95%がなくなることを常に示してきました。 私たちライトウォリアーは、この引き出された作戦によって疲れ果ててしまうかもしれません。 ただし、クラッパーの音声は、アライアンス計画を徹底的に実行する必要があることを示しています。
• [B] idenは国防総省から説明を受けていません。このような状況は、真新しい大統領にとっては決して起こりませんでした。
• [B] idenは、AirforceOneで旅行していません。このような状況は、真新しい大統領にとっては決して起こりませんでした。
• [B] idenは実際にはワシントンDCで目撃されていません。このような状況は、真新しい大統領にとっては決して起こりませんでした。
• ホワイトハウスのライトは、まるでタイマーのように、毎晩午後11時に消灯します。これは、建物が空であることを示しています。
• ワシントンDCには、まだかみそりのワイヤー柵と数万人の軍隊がいます。 この次の事実だけでも、どこでも危険信号を発するはずです。現在、ワシントンDCには、イラクとアフガニスタンを合わせたよりも多くの軍隊がいます。 ワシントンDCで何か大きなことが起こっています。
アライアンスプランの光学と偽情報は史上最高です。どうして? トランプ大統領、同盟、人類、そして、実際には宇宙全体にとって、これほど多くの危機に瀕したことは一度もないからです。
その最後のステートメントは誇張ではありません。宇宙全体が上昇の過程にあり、現在地球上で起こっていることはその上昇の不可欠な部分です。 リラックスしてください。落ち着いて前向きになってください。 これは、アライアンスプランを支援するための最良の方法です。
彼らは私たちのポジティブな高い振動エネルギーを必要としています -疑いや恐れではありません。 私たちはこれを手に入れました。
Where We Go One We Go All.
Love and Light
Sierra (NZ)
at the domestic terrorism within the country, and access was limited to a certain group headed by rod rosen, it became known as the dirty trick squad in baltimore. this is where they were using hammer, sunrise sunset things like that to illegally spy on people.
corrupt attempted corrupt judges compromise them, hillary clinton others i mean it was just one going. they concentrated on judges, but they wanted to concentrate on and they would illegally compromise people illegally wiretap regular computers plan regardless change information change emails things of that nature and it was in this capacity of working with them, that information about the judges, and roberts and pence and things like that have come out.
i’ve tried several times in the past to get it out and was thoroughly squashed by ron and the doj and fbi uh to a horrible extent. i tried to get in 2015 tried to end run them and go to the homeland security but in the video. i tried to warn president trump about the people, that he was dealing with daily and especially rob and things like that they were working together to remove him trying to compromise people around them, you know they’re living when they possibly could.
howard rod and rob rosenstein and mike pence connected?
that group i mean everyone interconnected one way or another that particular group was around bp pence, paul ryan, that was the core of that group where robert was in there, but that was the core of and it was an attempt where ron was the brilliant legal mind behind it to remove president trump on 25th amendment.
but that was that that’s an old movie the best might be passed over for promotion, which they both thought.
they were, you know, bp pence uh hated president trump. because he had taken his slot as rightful president. he felt that he did and paul ryan was actually considered running as well for vice presidential islam mitt romney was also involved.
but they don’t they thought president trump’s outsider had not paid his dues. they just didn’t like him. so once evening pence was in there once president trump was life and obviously vice.
i just walked around and everything became very quiet that was their bowl inside someone would write our fear and speak certain things and just keep tabs on the president manage him.
so is this a friendly relationship between mike pence and rosenstein or was there
any kind of leverage the place of the president for the vice president at the time?
there was one rich one like pence because of surveillance from way back in the 2013 range that they had gotten feisty warrants to exploit. and rod had that. he wanted any vice president to slaughter himself, they could remove president trump vice president pence becomes president, and rob felt that he would be the natural selection for it.
paul ryan felt differently as did mitt romney. but that was the overall goal each one fighting for the vice presidential slot ron thought.
he was a clear winner because of his legal brilliance and his management of the investigation, and special counsels and things he would be the one to remove the president damaging himself thoroughly. he could be removed and he deserved it.
do you know what type of leverage would have existed voter vice president?
vice president has had homosexual relations in the past the many of them were adults, but this is something he had done throughout his time in the congress, when he became governor.
he felt that he was free to explore them more there were two specifically that they had recorded one gentleman roughly 20 years his junior yeah they had a fairly steady relationship.
there was one about half his age it was much more sporadic sincere because it was more dangerous harder getting in time alone there was that second one that introduced a younger younger people this is whomever is 17 15. wherever he’s fifteen.
he’s really thirteen, and now rob, and roberts was two justice roberts, a lot of the younger people involved the ones that were brought as favors were supplied by jeffrey epstein’s channels through his channels his people. they were able to get uh fights awards.
because of course you chose the drops to have high, and how to prepare them, but it was also, an intelligence asset sometimes between various agencies around the world, they used his information.
they exploited the further, and good so when, he was here or his people were here was easy enough to justify a fight with warren told them, you know, guy would enact the lord surveil everything document it, but they would not help me when they want to save the child.
they would not you know, reveal it was more important, than them to leverage on everything of course this is under, their own corrupt ideas but under rod is this tutelage, and that they want to deliver.
all right, so i’m going to ask you if we could get into some more of the details, with the dirty trick squad, and how rosent rosenstein, was a part of that group and if roberts
had any type of interaction with the group, as well.
during shakespeare just certainly the official there’s a group of people that were in the dirt here, they controlled, those controls but there’s rod sean henry stephanie sean richards secret service rick rosadi joseph razani who was the va borishock, was atf, you know, greg odds who was the tfom with the dk,
i think it was formally baltimore county police, that was the basis of the third trade squad computer expertm, and also we had the technical experts.
and that’s what they were doing and there was another group in fort washington one down there this was a satellite, location in baltimore just for the brilliant stuff making communications hacking phone tapping you name it, and those people they concentrated their main focus all the time title three judges federal judges.
but they were trying to political rivals sitting politicians anybody they needed to go after anybody appointed at going for family members of judges, and compromise people as much as they possibly could, they had no problem hacking computers, and planting information to compromise people.
this is something they have done numerous times have done this for years, and years, so sean bridges were able to finagle a case that they had before the court where for instance the gentleman, and yeah they had money he had property, and someone, he had the resources to fight that they didn’t like that, so sean would go in flat child porn on the computer,
but what do you do with the examination now, you got this on there i don’t know anything about it when someone ever gonna charge you and then he would ruin his life didn’t go to prison as a pedophile you know what happens and things like that.
they would use this as leveraging hundreds, and hundreds hundreds of cases and then, he would plead as a person they charged with me to a lesser charge that would not show up on the record. but he would have to forfeit property money just like that, i think in their percentage sean bridges was particularly good at it was his specialty and he had done this at the county at state levels where he got in trouble a couple times so much why he came under you know the slate that ron rosenstein who got into federal john did not like uh obama.
he didn’t like hillary, he uh he had access to the white house air force one cia usa. he had this kind of clearance this is the number one expert on forensic study of the computers for the secret service and for most of the government.
that was he was a government employee university contractor?
it was cesar excuse me super service agent so he had access to all these things, but i think because of his clearances because of his expertise he would go he was often in the white house texting the location of the president obama what they were doing.
he hacked and obama’s blackberry just for fun things like that he shared messages with people, and hacked the girl’s phones there was nothing for him. he had a list of people that he would just call up, and watch him do their daily stuff he’s just truly gifted the computers i’m good at the computer something.
i can do anyway but he’s just most people wanted to do it.
ジェームズ・クラッパーの尋問ビデオ|| 管理人補足
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GCRを介して共和国を復元 2021年1月30日2021年1月31日
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